Monday, December 29, 2008

Remember That Night I Killed You?

Remember that night you and me we laid side by side
And i stabbed your spleen, with my knife?
Then we snorted fifty lines
And i sat and watched you die

Then we laughed and kissed and ********
You hit me so hard I couldn't sit up
And i had a black eye, and a bleeding nose
My world was dizzy, and you broke a few more bones

Then when I woke up
I grabbed my gun. I shot you right under your lung
And the blood saturated my kitchen floor
But i couldnt help myself, I shot you some more!

Then when you stopped bleeding you grabbed my head
And threw me like a rag doll into the bed
You kissed my neck and traced my hips
Then you bit like a vampire into my lips

It felt so good; but i wanted more.
I grabbed a razorblade, and pushed you to the floor
Picked the bluest artery, and took a slash
And watched in orgasm at the bleeding gash

You couldnt move, and I sat in the blood
I drowned in it. But I was in love.


  1. Wow
    I am very impressed with this. I wish I could write as... well I don't know what to call your writing. It is very passionate and angry, lusty and daring. I really enjoyed this piece. Keep writing!

  2. prolific self-indictment, indeed. . . still I find it intriguing, to say the least. . . more power to you. peace. elle

  3. wow.. kinky. lol. thanks for posting, it's not really my style but it's well written and unique.

  4. wow great write i like it
